Friday, November 30, 2012

School Holidays

Start on the 1st December will be the school holiday throughout Brunei Darussalam. Still even with school holiday their are assignment need to be work onto, the assignment for the first holiday semester given was IGT assignment and Final project proposal, which will be due date on the school reopen in month of January. For me as in-service been appointed to the school, even within the school holiday without holiday leave permission from the work office, I still need to attend to work back as usually worker in Muara kem. So with that I have to arranges my scheduled on doing my assignment and doing other things at home while I have free time on doing so. Hope everything will be doing well in this holiday.

School sport days

School sport days were last for two days at Padang Belapan, Mukim Pulaie, started on the 27th November 2012 and last on the 28th November 2012. Challenges from all technical school come down to the field participate the event to race up to be the champion for the school. SVSB as the event home host for the event have tried they best to make the top list. Some other school like IGS, sekolah perdangagan and others have join to take part in the event to fill the empty slot of the track. Hoping there will be more challenges on the upcoming sports event in the nearest future. 

Monday, November 26, 2012

Teacher Sports Day School Event

On the 26th November 2012, was the teachers sports day event where all teachers were call out to attended the event in the school hall. There are many activities done at that time such as game draw and guess, back kick ball and many more. The event may only last till 12 noon but most of the teachers enjoy the event and hoping there will be more for next years to come.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Majlis Tazkirah Awal Tahun Hijrah Dan Menyambut Saudara Baru MKJB

Pada Hari Sabtu, 10 Muharram 1434H bersamaan 24 November 2012, Penuntut Sekolah MKJB telah melangsungkan satu acara Majlis Tazkirah Awal Tahun Hijrah dan Menyambut Saudaran Baru dari salah seorang penuntut sekolah berkenaan yang telah di adakan bertempat Masjid Kampong Pandan. Acara ini telah dijalankan apa awal pagi hari berikut hingga selasai. Acara ini di langsungkan dengan sembahyang sunnat berjemaah, ceramah undangan dan diteruskan dengan penyambutan saudara baru. Dengan ini berkembang lah dengan adanya saudara baru bagi Umat Islam dalam sekolah MKJB.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Phase Test Results

With the end of phase test 1 examination, I'm still not doing well with it. All I just end up have the passing mark instead of getting credit on every subject. Still I'm very grateful with it but not enough to be what I want with it. I expected to do well on the up coming examination.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Examination Phase Test 1

The phase test 1 has started on the 3rd November and will shortly end on the 17th November, Wish all for the best of all in the exam. Here is the timetable for the exam.